The Dexter Cattle Society

The Dexter Cattle Society offers support to owners and breeders of this exceptionally versatile breed with advice, information and a range of services. Currently 1000 Society members from all over Europe are registering 4,000+ pedigree cattle each year.

The Dexter breed originated in the South West of Ireland. The smallest native breed of cattle in the British Isles, they are hardy, dual-purpose cattle, producing excellent beef and milk, an ideal suckler cow for conservation grazing. We support owners and breeders, offering advice and a range of services.

Objectives of the Society

To advance the education of the public at large by registering, monitoring and exhibiting Dexter Cattle and investigating and encouraging efficient breeding of the Dexter Cattle with a view to improving and increasing the numbers of the breed.

Join Us

To become a member of the Dexter Cattle Society visit our membership page and download a membership application form.