Dexter News & Events

Normal Dexter Cattle Society office hours will be 9.00am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday each week.

DCS Annual General Meeting 2024 

To be held at The Highland Hall, Royal Highland Centre, Edinburgh, EH28 8NB

Book now >>

Bookings close – Monday 23rd September 2024

Funding for Farmers

Sustainable Farming Incentive Programme

Stewardship and Landscape Recovery Scheme

Protection and Infrastructure Grants. You can apply for a Protection and Infrasucture grant at any time of the year from 5 January 2023.

SP8: Native breeds at risk supplement: Currently available on Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier in combination with a land management option.

Funding for Native Breeds
Northern Ireland

Farm Matters Software

Do you use a Farm Software programme? Want to save time on your record keeping? The Farm Matters programme offers: Accurate record management, cross compliance and well as sending off your registrations seamlessly to the Dexter Cattle Society and BCMS in one action.
Follow this link to read more:

Farm Matters Testimonial Testimonial by Jo Kemp – Breoch Herd (PDF)

Dexter Advert – Farm Matters (PDF)

Dexter Cattle Shows

Please visit the Shows & Sales page for up to date information on show cancellations.

Listing Animals for Sale/Hire/AI

We are pleased to let you know that you can now list animals which you have for sale/hire/AI on the online Herd Book. To use this facility please login to ‘Manage your Herd’ and you will be able to update the status of your animals to show this. Please be aware that you will need to have signed a GDPR form or ticked the GDPR consent box online otherwise other members will not be able to view your contact details to get in touch. We hope you will find this facility useful, particularly during these challenging times.

Dexter Beef Scheme

We would like to remind our members about the Dexter Beef Certification Scheme.
Membership of the Scheme will give you website promotion here as well as a presence in the Herd/Year Book.

The Society has a duty of care to ensure that all our Beef Certification Scheme members are aware that they must:

  • Be a fully paid up Dexter Cattle Society member
  • Be a fully paid up Beef Certification Mark Scheme member
  • Only use the labels in conjunction with fully registered or birth notified Dexter stock according to the regulations
  • Be aware that they may be inspected at any time by the independent Dexter Beef Certification Mark Scheme Verifier
  • On receipt of the Beef Scheme Membership Fee (£10 + Vat per annum) the office will issue a Certificate of Compliance.  Where possible this will be emailed but copies can also be posted out if necessary.

We do have a limited stock of blank Beef Labels, which we are more than happy to supply for the cost of postage. In the future these labels will be available in an emailed PDF format, so that they can be printed by individual members.

Please remember that all animals being labelled with the Dexter Beef Certification Mark must be transferred into your membership with the Society and the office must be informed when the animal is slaughtered.

Call for Dexter Beef Marketing Content

Finally, please let the office know details of any restaurants, butchers or suppliers of Dexter beef. It would be great to do press articles promoting local successes. Also details of suppliers or manufacturers of chill box packaging etc or anything you know would useful to other members or prospective beef suppliers. Council would very much appreciate any feedback or constructive comments that you may have to further promote and drive this Dexter Beef Certification Mark Scheme forward. If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Calf Registration Deadline Extended

Please note you will now have 45 days from birth to register calves before incurring additional charges rather than 30. This has been done to take the pressure off members when registering calves and also to help reduce postage costs for the Society as hopefully members will be able to register more calves together, allowing certificates to be posted together too (N.B. you will still need to notify BCMS within 27 days of birth).

Note Regarding Transfer Fees

Due to some recent enquires we wanted to reiterate why the transfer fee became payable by the vendor in January 2019:

The integrity of the Dexter Herd Book is paramount and it is vital that the Society office is notified of any sales, transfers etc., and we rely on members informing us of the movements.

So that a certificate can be printed in the name of the new owner, whether they are a member or not. This is particularly important in cases of TB for instance, if the animal is not registered in the new owners name they cannot claim compensation.

So that we can contact the new owner if they are a non member, many then choose to become a member which is obviously of benefit to the Society.

In such case of an insurance claim for pedigree animals, many insurance policies require a copy of the animal’s pedigree certificate, in the name of the policy holder.

I trust that this clarifies the situation and that members will understand why this decision was made, for the benefit of all members and the integrity of the Dexter Cattle Society.

Andy Ryder
(Society Company Secretary)